CHAMP crashes again

NOAA's CHAMP coral at
Mon Mar 8 07:45:19 EST 1999

Ladies and Gentlemen,

	My sincere apologies, but the coral workstation
(coral at, which hosts coral-list and the CHAMP Home
Page, crashed on March 6, 1999, at 9:31am (EST) due to a memory error in
our SIMM S3, but is now back up.  If you posted any messages to
coral-list, please give the Internet time to re-post them again.  If they
do not show on coral-list by the end of today, please try reposting them.

	We are trying to acquire funding for the workstation so this will
not happen quite so frequently as it has been.  Sorry for the


	Jim Hendee
	CHAMP Admininstrator

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