[Coral-List] Ocean adification and biomineralization of otoliths

Rudy Bonn rudy_bonn at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 16 21:59:34 EST 2011

Just curious, since now we use ototliths instead of scales, giving away my age I guess,
 on life 
 history studies, aging ,and others, in teleosts ,hich Ive read that the otoliths are composed of arognite  in terms of fishery management, how are we going to deal with  the implications  that  arogonite, being the fundamental compontent  of biomineralization processes in otolith formation how are we going to use otolith intepretation as a means to introduce fishery management practices.  that interpretation could be flawed due to ocean acidification processes on otolith biomineralization  anyone want to a look at that or as anyone taken a peek at that, I would like to know

Rudy S Bonn
Director of Marine Projects
Reef Relief
631 Greene Street
Key West, FL 33040

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