[Coral-List] the passing of Charles Sheppard

Bill Allison allison.billiam at gmail.com
Wed May 1 18:06:32 UTC 2024

I met and spent time on reefs in Maldives with Charles on a number of
He was very helpful then and subsequently when fielding my questions.
I am saddened by his passing.

On Wed, May 1, 2024 at 11:01 AM Douglas Fenner via Coral-List <
coral-list at coral.aoml.noaa.gov> wrote:

> I am very sad at heart to have to report that our distinguished colleague,
> Dr. Charles Sheppard, OBE, has passed away from two sudden strokes.
> Dr. Sheppard was a world authority on the remote Chagos atoll system in the
> Indian Ocean, which has very minimal local human impacts.  He authored
> several books and many papers, was editor of Marine Pollution Bulletin, and
> taught at Warwick Univ. in the UK.  His latest book, "The Chagos
> Archipelago, a biological biography" has just been published by CRC Press.
> He mentored and helped many.
> He will be sorely missed by many of us.
> He is survived by his wife, Anne Sheppard, who has long worked with him on
> coral reefs, and I believe a daughter and son.
> This is a tragic loss for us.
> Would anyone like to share memories of him?  Thank you.
> Cheers, Doug
> --
> Douglas Fenner
> Lynker Technologies, LLC, Contractor
> NOAA Fisheries Service
> Pacific Islands Regional Office
> Honolulu
> and:
> Coral Reef Consulting
> PO Box 997390
> Pago Pago, American Samoa 96799-6298  USA
> Costanza, R. 2023. To build a better world, stop chasing economic growth.
> Nature 624: 519-521.   https://www.nature.com/articles/d41586-023-04029-8
> Fossil fuel air pollution kills 5 million people world-wide per year
> https://www.yahoo.com/news/research-shows-disturbing-between-millions-200000257.html
> World's richest 1% emit as much as 5 billion people
> https://makerichpolluterspay.org/climate-equality-report/
> Huge expansion of fossil fuels planned, will be very destructive
> https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/nov/08/insanity-petrostates-planning-huge-expansion-of-fossil-fuels-says-un-report
> "without policy changes, the world will heat up enough by the end of the
> century that more than 2 billion people will live in life-threatening hot
> climates"         Will you be in that area???
> https://www.yahoo.com/news/scientists-sounding-alarm-dangerous-problem-123000792.html
> World subsidies for fossil fuels reached an all-time high of over $1
> TRILLION in 2022, the last year for which data is available.  The subsidies
> MUST end.
> https://blogs.scientificamerican.com/observations/fossil-fuel-subsidies-must-end/
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